What a start to the new year: water aerobics, conch harvesting, friends and family

Yes, today is what most people think the cruising life is like on a daily basis.

After the 8:15 morning net (Don was the Georgetown net controller at the beinning of the season and passed it onto Bill from Charisma yesterday), I was feeling a bit slow and for the first time, was going to skip daily morning water aerobics.  But, Nicole and Yves from Zulu swung by in their dinghy with big smiles, and encouraged me that I could take it slow.  Tali stayed back to study about wine, as well as Don to work on various projects.

After a glorius hour of aerobics, Tali, another friend Nadia from Paradise Bound and I joined Suky Cannon on Shambala to go snorkling.  Timed for a slack tide, we surfed waves, saw a baracuda, and millions of silver fish that looked like a Chihuly sculpture, harvested conch, and swapped stories.

Upon our return, our good friend, Holt from Agandau had just swung by to gift us two live lobsters!  After Holt’s lobster anatomy lesson, Don grilled the huge lobster tail while Tali poached the smaller one in a lovely wine and butter sauce.  I added fresh brocollini and local sweet potato mash, and we toasted this bountious meal with the remains of our 15 year old rum from Don’s going away gift from NIH buddies.

Then, movie night of”Guardians of the Galaxy 2″ was accompanied by the powerful scent of Tali’s lobster stock bubbling away. Yes, life is good!

Today indeed was Living the Dream!

0 thoughts on “What a start to the new year: water aerobics, conch harvesting, friends and family

  1. Loved reading this entry!!! How fabulous it all sounds and looks!!! May 2018 be filled with days like today! Xoxoxo from life in the snow, Your sis

  2. Yes, the lifestyle is great. It resembles childbirth in thstyou fotget thr occasional pain and inconvenience and just remember the results and highs of parenthood.

    When your family visits are over for a bit and you have a chance to relish your primacy and coupledom for awhile, perhaps we can fly over for a visit.(NOT during regatta week). It’s way too chilly in SW Fl for us. We are in Punta Gorda now and it’s in the fifties. Thanks for the invitation…love and miss you . SUZANNE and JOHN

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